Monday, 2 July 2007

More on London - and maybe more repetition...

What else did I do in London – went shopping at Asda and bought some jeans, underwear and socks – ok, so I travelled with virtually nothing and decided that trying to do laundry – particularly when the weather was turning crap (you’ll have heard about all the floods – I luckily missed them but it was the start of the raining whilst I was there!). Yes, I sold out and bought the jeans when they were nuttily cheap (I think I paid $20 NZ for them – or to be more accurate, my sister paid and I have to pay her back!) and made in a sweatshop in China! I also caught up with my magical friend Marcus – yah! He took me for a beer, a hagen daaz and a goss/catch up (yes, you’ll have to have been there for that one – and, oh, shall we say that it was probably a juicy one – I tell Marcus stuff that I don’t even tell my priest – and I don’t have one of those!!)

Then there was the next birthday party – I’m telling you, it’s been completely overboard this 40 thing – and when I type that I go – fuck, have I really spent 4 decades alive! So, the next party – before the real birthday. We wandered in (my sisters, my brother in law, my nephews, met a couple of friends of Sarah and Matt) to the Thames, walked along and came to Ask. We were early (ie they stuffed up the booking) but had us seated (a lovely Polish waiter – the UK had an estimated influx of 500,000 Poles when Poland joined the EU – they thought they’d be a few thousand! Apparently though it’s done great things for the economy although you can sense the growing resentment. At it’s simpliest and as a generalisation, Polish immigrants are willing to work for the minimum wage (thus depressing wages) and are prepared to live in not so great accommodation (ie more like the stereotypical kiwi/aussie 15 people to a flat thing); this is helping to keep inflation down but “locals” are now having to compete with these highly skilled workers and the attendant disharmony from that. It does depend a little who you talk to.). Where was I? Oh, yes, we were seated, looking out over the Thames, had some wine, lots of chatting, Tia, Lizzie, Amanda (they were going to be coming to Paris) and Richard (he was going to a conference) turned up having just arrived that morning from NZ – jetlag is a funny thing!), I got given a flashing “It’s my birthday badge”, Daniel and Andrew were stars, there was massive amounts of food, a birthday balloon (prominently showing that I was turning 40 – ta Sarah and Matt!!) and then, lo and behold, no dessert. Any ideas why? Of course, my sister and brother-in-law had arranged for a cake, with candles, with singing, on the main tourist drag along the Thames at about 2pm on a Saturday afternoon – funny ha ha, I’m not sure that red is my colour!! But it was great! And super-big ta’s to my mum (who probably isn’t reading this as she doesn’t have the internet) for the wonderful gift towards lunch!! 

And, really, so endth my time in London (although I’m going back! Yah!). Obviously there was lots of other little bits and pieces, thoughts and ideas – when I get back – ask me for coffee and I’m sure I can bore you to tears (and show you hundreds of photos; although my camera is making slightly weird whirring noises; go figure). Just mentioning quickly that we went to Greenwich (which is lovely), had brunch, looked at the markets, caught up with Craig and Louise (who are asleep in their bedroom whilst I type this in Provence – he he!), walked through Greenwich Park, hung out with my nephews, had a beer (actually, I think I had a coffee!) with Matt, feed the squirrels – you know lots of stuff; nothing touristy but just really cool hanging around, being lazy and spending time with the world as it tripped on by.

I packed on Sunday night (having had curry at Sarah and Matt’s and goo-goo’d at Andrew and said bye bye to Daniel). On the subject of curries – I do not understand why my british friends reckon you can’t get a good curry in NZ – the ones over here aren’t any better; they seem the same to me – only more expensive. Oh well…..

Monday morning, it was up, showered, finished packing, bus, to train station, lots of txts about how Nicola had misplaced her mastercard, on to the train, Nicola happened to be on the same train, to Waterloo (poor Nic’s knee was really sore – but to give her absolute credit, she’s not complained at all whilst we’ve been away), found Tia, Lizzie and Amanda and then, voila, on to Eurostar. It’s a very very cool train…. Next stop, Paris…..

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