Saturday, 14 July 2007

You just wouldn't believe....

It's very early in the morning in Switzerland, I'm trying to type quietly and I probably should be sleeping (lol - 9am early I mean).

Yesterday I went to one of the most incredible places on the planet - it is just amazing, surreal, astounding, every other adjective that you can think of.

Go have a look.

Jungfraujoch is simply just incredible.

8 1/2 hours on trains to get there and back though - although bizarrely enough it didn't seem that long - rail travel here is just great. I think though, due to the lack of sleep, there were tears last night - but not on my part.

The other fascinating thing I saw yesterday were the wood piles - you wouldn't believe how perfect they are - it's almost as those the wood is carefully selected, stacked and then chainsawed to be the same length. I also saw a guy, on a country road, not in a town, weedeating the edge of a paddock by the road - I presume to make it look good. So, everything can be picture postcard perfect but it just takes a lot of work.

There were houses on mountain sides that had no visible means of getting there, gondolas that just climbed moutains, railways that went places that seemed impossible, lakes that were still, people that were friendly, a guy in military service on the local commuter train with his gun going home for the weekend, fab food and just views for Africa. Or is that Switzerland???

And there is also Craig and Marcel who, apart from being stars, it's just great to catch up with!! Yah!!

At some stage, as well, I'll have a think about philosophy and deep and meaningful thoughts for the blog - but I have surprising little time to think. Or write postcards! I've bought a pile, just not sent them yet (or written them!!).


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